Tom Rice Returns to Post 416!
Tom Rice to Post 416 after D-Day re-enactment in Normandy, France
July 10, 2019 ENCINITAS CA World War II veteran, Tom Rice, who parachutted into Normandy on D-Day, returned to Post 416 after successfully re-enacting his jump for the 50th Anniversary of that historic event, at age 98. Tom had previously been the featured speaker at the Post in celebrating the American Legion Centenial, where he detailed his adventures during the war.
Fellow WWII veteran Admiral Don Shelton, also 98, was on hand to present Rice with a framed commemorative photo of the hero. Local television host Dave Scott of KUSI News was on hand to capture the presentation, and interview the two veterans.
The PostLine: Comments from Commander Ohnstad
December 12th 2020 was a magnificent day in the long and distinguished history of our very special ‘Post on the Coast’. The American Legion Medal of Valor is the highest honor the Legion can bestow on one of its members. Post 416 was proud to present this Medal & Honor to our member Captain E. Royce Williams USN (ret). As many of us know this prestigious award is very richly deserved and belatedly more than 68 years after Royce merited the recognition. To all of our members who worked so diligently over the years to recognize our fellow veteran, I want to offer my deepest thanks. The potential for a Medal of Honor, with the full endorsement of the National American Legion, remains an undertaking in process as that award resides with the Congress and the President. Please visit our website at often to view the award program and follow the progress of this Great American Legion veteran.
As we move forward into 2021, we are well aware of the difficulties the Covid pandemic has imposed on the American Legion; specifically, our Posts financial health, our operations and our goals. To keep a bright future for our 90-year-old Post, we developed and approved a program to ensure we are able to meet our Post obligations to the American Legion Mission of the 4 Pillars. This program is being introduced to our members as the MOM/DAD program (Monthly Obligated Money / Dollar A Day). The intent of this program is to provide a more stable revenue during an unstable pandemic in order to meet our obligations. Please review this program, and if able please consider the dollar a day as a down payment on our POST’s future and the health of the Pillars it supports. Sign-ups will be available on our website and at the Post where we are open (with restriction that seem to change weekly).
Now is the time that we all wish each other the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Year’s knowing that we can put the year 2020 behind us. I extend those wishes to all of you, and look forward to 2021 when we can return to those great Post annual events and traditions that serve our veterans, Legion family and our local communities so well. Next year’s events will all be very special; Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Army-Navy game, Christmas parade, and most importantly the Marine Corps Birthday celebration (they were holding me hostage when I wrote this).
Feliz Navidad to all of our Post homies and to our fellow veterans in VFW Post 5431.
Deeds not words,
Peter-Rolf Ohnstad
Memorial Day Walk for the Fallen
Post 416 Remembers the Fallen, Memorial Day 2019
American Legion San Dieguito Post 416 marked Memorial Day this year with the first annual Walk for the Fallen honoring those who have served, fought, and died for our country. Commander Matt Shillingburg led off the event with words of remembrance, followed by the Posting of the Colors by Boy Scout Troup 777 and Cub Scout Pack 772, both of Encinitas, for the singing of the National Anthem. The program included talks by several dignitaries, including U.S. Congressman Mike Levin, California State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath, Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear, and Elks Lodge 2243 Exalted Ruler, Ron Rodriguez. The ceremony concluded with a trumpet rendition of Taps.
Immediately following the program, walkers assembled to embark on the Walk for the Fallen on 1/2 mile or 2 mile courses through the quiet streets of Encinitas circling Post 416.
Attendees spent the remainder of the afternoon enjoying BBQ, and a “Battle of the Bands”.
Proceeds from the event will benefit Post 416’s Building Fund.